Well, not literally (I doubt she'd appreciate it, LOL) but what a superdooper hyper-fantastic package she delivered to me, from my new friend Laura over at the Little Orange Kitchen. This was courtesy of Jenny Hernandez's (Miss Polka Dot Pixie herself)Storybook Swap. Liam and I were just giddy opening up all of the goodies, especially the to die for CHOCOLATE!! Laura sent some Malted Milk Balls, and some Chocolate covered Oreo's that were drenched in the thickest, richest, most melt in your mouth milk chocolate that I have ever had. Had Liam not been home, I'm not sure that I would have shared ;)
Check out all of this great stuff!! I had to borrow a few pictures from Laura, because we dug in so fast!! The wrapping was exquisite, and she even decoupaged the package with pictures from storybooks!! This is one talented chickie!!

Laura, I absolutely loved everything, the gorgeous magnetic bookmarks, with Bedtime for Frances, and Amelia Bedelia, OMG, so much goodness in one beautifully decoated box...LOVE IT!!!!!!!!