There was fanfare...paparazzi all over my lawn, and very handsome young men trying to get a look in my mailbox. At her.
The "it" girl, the toast of the town, Miss BETSY! Isn't she gorgeous in her Hollywood finery? Brushing past all of the hoopla, I got her safely into my house, where she is resting happily and sipping a dirty martini. She seems relieved.
Seriously, she is just darling. Sadie Lou did a wonderful job, she is as cute as a button and I just love her!!
Thanks, Sadie Lou :D
I'd also like to welcome a new friend to blogland, Alecia is having a lovely spring giveaway!! Stop by and say hello, she has an adorable blog :)
I've been finishing up my goodies for The Easter Basket Swap, here is a sneak preview of the handmade part that I have been having the best best time working on.

Sparkles to all!