Hope everyone is recovered from the festive season. I absolutely love it, but am so glad that it's over. We had way too many parties, and all of them at our house, and my birthday is three days after Christmas. My birthday wish this year was a day of relaxing LOL and I did get it :)
This is a really wonderful new year for me. This last year I have had my first Art Shows, lost 83 lbs, gained a lot of confidence, and met the most fantastic artists, both online and IRL.
Now I have started a new job, which I absolutely love, and am so excited about making lots of new art this year. We are hoping to get our house on the market soon, and move to a larger home in a better school district, where I will set up a permanent studio. I am always afraid to hope for things, and have too many good things happen at once ( I am a total believer in what comes up, must come down) but knock on wood, this just may be a wonderful year :D :D