I am having a ball visiting so many fantastic blogs that I have been missing so much! There are so many goodies to look at, its almost overwhelming to visit a page, and want to take it all in immediately...Have to remind myself to slow down and enjoy it all!!
My 6 year old daughter is so excited about Halloween, she really takes after her Mommy. She knows exactly how she wants her costume, which bag to take Trick or Treating, and has her route all planned.
My 8 year old son, on the other hand, just sort of follows her lead. He's kind of an 80 year old man, trapped in the body of an 8 year old LOL He is probably one of the most talented artists that I've ever met too, he does things at 8 that I have trouble with at 36. He is gruff, and too cool for words, but has a secret soft side, and is a real lovey deep down. I know he's looking forward to Trick or Treat, as long as his sister does all of the work.
Happy Haunting, Blogland!!